
    • 5 ¼ ounces butter, unsalted
    • 8 ¾ ounces sugar
    • 5 ¼ egg whites
    • 7 ounces flour
    • cinnamon, to taste


1. Cream together the butter and sugar in a 5 qt mixing bowl with a paddle until light. Scrape down the bowl.
2. Add the egg whites in 2 stages - scraping the bowl down between additions.
3. Sift flour and add into above mixture. Mix until smooth.
4. Place a spoon stencil on a silpat mat and spread the batter over the stencil with a small offset spatula.
5. Bake at 350 degrees on a oven rack (8/8/8) for about 7-8 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Using a clean offset spatula, immediately remove the cooked spoon cookies and gently press into the inside of a metal spoon (place a spoon on the top of the cookie to help hold the shape even better. Let the spoon cool in the shape of the teaspoon.
7. Flavor and color the remaining Tuille Cookie dough with cocoa and prepare the saucers with a 3" circle stencil.
8. Store the cookies in the dry box in the chocolate room.


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