
  • ¼ cup Colman's Dry Mustard
  • 6 ea Egg Yolks
  • 8 oz. Cranberry Juice
  • 3 oz. White wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
  • cup Brown Sugar
  • cup Dried Cherries
  • pinch Cayenne pepper


1. Combine all ingredients except for the cherries in a stainless steel bowl.
2. Cook over double boiler until the mixture becomes thick and smooth, this will occur at about 160 degrees.
3. Add chopped cherries and adjust the seasoning with salt and papper.
4. Allow to chill before serving.


Schoolcraft, kevin, gnvdc

MacGourmet downloadKiln Dried Sweet Cherry Mustard. To import, drag image to your MacGourmet recipe box.


Kevin DeHetre

