
    • 1 ½ pound Fresh Egg Whites, room temp
    • 1 ⅞ pounds Granulated Sugar
    • 1 teaspoon Cream of Tarter


1. In a 12 qt. mixing bowl, combine the fresh egg whites, sugar and cream of tarter. Begin stirring them with your hand over an open flame. Be sure to turn the bowl on the heat as well in order to avoid getting hot spots on the bowl.
2. Continue to heat them until the grain of the sugar dissolves. You will be able to feel this with your hand. Immediately move the bowl to the mixer and begin whipping the whites on high speed. Continue to whip them to moist firm peaks that are still manageable with a spatula. If the whites are whipped too stiff they will dry out too quickly when removed from the mixer. They will also shrink and collapse out of the oven.


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MacGourmet downloadLemon Meringue Pie - Swiss Meringue. To import, drag image to your MacGourmet recipe box.


Kevin DeHetre



